Sunday 5 May 2013

Noni To Help The Body's Metabolism

All the processes of life from birth to death depending on the enzyme activity. Without enzymes in our bodies is not possible digestion and absorption of nutrients. Enzymes also allow us to see, hear, smell, detect taste, breathe, move and even think. Thus, our diet should be rich in natural enzymes that will help the metabolism in the body.
Research on Noni has been started since 40 years ago, and has proved that Noni juice helps normalize the function of aberrant cells. As with other fruit juices, Noni juice is also rich in various natural enzymes and phytonutrients compounds, including vitamins and minerals, and alkaloids.

General function of enzymes responsible for the development, detoksifikasidan healing our bodies. Immunity, vitality (vitality), and longevity depend on our efforts in maintaining optimum levels of enzymes in the body, namely by consuming foods rich in active enzymes after consumption.        

Newborns have enzymes in their blood 100 times more than adults. That is why a person gets older the more susceptible to various diseases, if not matched by adequate intake of enzymes from food and beverages consumed.

 Efficacy of Various Parts Plant Noni

Friday 3 May 2013

Distribution Map Noni

Noni plant belonging to the Family Rubiaceace, or coffee-copy, as well as coffee and quinine. This plant is also brought to Hawaii by the first Polynesian nation of Southeast Asia, and continues to spread to China, India and the South Pacific, Tahiti, Hawaii especially to the shores and waters, through which seeds blackish brown. Noni seeds float in water, and wander from one coast to the other coast for months without damage or decay.
There are 80 types of Noni plants. According H.B. Guppy, an English scientist who studied Noni in early 1900, about 50 kinds of Noni plants spread across many large and small islands around Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. 

Currently there are only 20 known types of Noni has economic value, including the famous red soil is Noni, Noni white ground, or Noni Maluku, which is derived from the island Butung and Noni Bogor, known as the "queen" of his Morinda, because of its ability spread around the world through its seeds, without the need for human assistance.

Noni Fruit Maturation Process
Sequentially from left to right, the Noni fruit maturation. When it matures as a look to the right, the fruit is yellow, mushy and produce the distinctive smell.
In Hawaiian Noni fruit is referred to as "The Hawaiian Magic Plant" since more than 1,500 years ago. In Central America, the Noni plant known as "Pain Killer Tree", because nutritious pain relief. 

Word derived from the Polynesian Noni, which has several meanings:
  1. Aspirin of the Ancients (Acts as aspirin on ancient healing 2000 years ago).
  2. An immune system stimulant that's Helps us resist infection and environmental toxins (immune system stimulants that help immunity that helps resistance to infection and toxins around us). 
  3. Used in sickness and in health, travel and afterwards especially in old age (Used in healthy condition or pain, especially after a journey and for seniors).
Bitter taste of Noni Fruit, the scent is not pleasant, but nevertheless boiled young Noni fruit for fresh vegetables, fruit salad made ​​half ripe. in East Java, and when crushed, mixed with a bit of salt to treat wounds or fractures, usually in young leaves steamed or boiled and eaten as a salad, is also used for the manufacture of boiled fish wrap. Mixing chopped young Noni fruit in making fried rice fried rice taste more delicious.       

Traditional medicine using Noni known since ancient times across the archipelago. The ripe fruit is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes (diabetes), De-worming of children, diuretic, antidiarrheal, cough medicines and antiseptics in eliminating dandruff, acne, eczema and skin fungus.        

Besides the effects of treatment, ripe Noni fruit can also be used to remove rust from metal or for washing hair. The past is actually the Noni plant to take root, that is for red dyes or dye fabric and yarn. This dye carmine which gives eternal and never faded. Very fine batik industry also use Noni roots, namely the manufacture of batik cloth bangbangan (Java language, meaning fabric with shades of red, as in Pekalongan batik).

The leaves are efficacious for the treatment of outside and inside, such as diabetes, diarrhea in children, strep throat / tonsillitis, rheumatic diseases or stiff, that is by Noni leaf spread with coconut oil and made ​​wilted over a fire, hot-hot affixed to section sick. While the seeds have a laxative effect. Can bark to treat malaria, and this is not surprising, because the Noni plant one plant family with quinine. Flower extract, used to treat inflammation of the eyes, as eyewash.

In Myanmar, raw Noni fruit cooked in curries, while the ripe fruit is eaten fresh, usually plus a lot of salt. Myanmar people also consume seeds after roasting.

Noni whole plant is efficacious for the treatment of various types. Consuming Noni juice are done regularly every day to maintain health and fitness. Process of disease, and aging in the human body can be caused by toxins, both derived from the wrong diet, wrong lifestyle, the formation of free radicals, as well as pollution of the environment around us, such as fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides, as well as side effects drugs. All this will bring down the immune system, as a result of the weakening of our immune system, making it susceptible to disease.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

What is Noni ?

Noni (Scientific name: Morinda citrifolia, Yaeyamaaoki name in Japan) is a plant to grow drugs in the Maluku islands (Moluccas) and surrounding areas, in Indonesia. Since about 6000 years ago, the fruit and leaves used as food or vegetables and medicines. Stems and roots are used to dye the dye.             

In Indonesia this fruit called Noni, Pace, Tibah, and others believed to be drug and various diseases. Today, the fruit is also used in traditional medicine called "Jamu"(dried herbs). Noni Pacific island known as Nonu, Nono, Noni, and other fabric, used as a substitute for food in times of famine and also used as a traditional medicine.