Sunday 5 May 2013

Noni To Help The Body's Metabolism

All the processes of life from birth to death depending on the enzyme activity. Without enzymes in our bodies is not possible digestion and absorption of nutrients. Enzymes also allow us to see, hear, smell, detect taste, breathe, move and even think. Thus, our diet should be rich in natural enzymes that will help the metabolism in the body.
Research on Noni has been started since 40 years ago, and has proved that Noni juice helps normalize the function of aberrant cells. As with other fruit juices, Noni juice is also rich in various natural enzymes and phytonutrients compounds, including vitamins and minerals, and alkaloids.

General function of enzymes responsible for the development, detoksifikasidan healing our bodies. Immunity, vitality (vitality), and longevity depend on our efforts in maintaining optimum levels of enzymes in the body, namely by consuming foods rich in active enzymes after consumption.        

Newborns have enzymes in their blood 100 times more than adults. That is why a person gets older the more susceptible to various diseases, if not matched by adequate intake of enzymes from food and beverages consumed.

 Efficacy of Various Parts Plant Noni

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